Latest Past Events
Autumn BBQ 2024
Okuike 芦屋 奥池園地, AshiyaWe cordially invite you to our traditional Autumn BBQ. Okuike is a beautiful picnic- and playground located in the Ashiya Highlands. Come and enjoy our traditional food, including the famous cervelats, bratwursts, Swiss wines, as well as the good company and let your kids play
Spring BBQ 2024
Okuike 芦屋 奥池園地, AshiyaWe cordially invite you to our traditional Spring BBQ. Okuike is a beautiful picnic- and playground located in the Ashiya Highlands. Come and enjoy our traditional food, including the famous cervelats, bratwursts, Swiss wines, as well as the good company and let your kids play
Autumn BBQ 2023
Okuike 芦屋 奥池園地, AshiyaWe cordially invite you to our traditional Autumn BBQ. Okuike is a beautiful picnic- and playground located in the Ashiya Highlands. Come and enjoy our traditional food, including the famous cervelats, bratwursts, Swiss wines, as well as the good company and let your kids play