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AGM / Dinner on March 6

Dear members, dear friends of the Swiss Society, This is to inform you that the Committee has decided to go ahead as planned with the AGM/Dinner on Friday, March 6 at RValentino. Some participants asked us if we will cancel the event because of the coronavirus. In

AGM 2020 — Official Documents

Below are the official documents for the 2020 Annual General Meeting of the Swiss Society of the Kansai. Agenda Minutes of the 40th Annual General Meeting of March 9, 2019 Annual report of the Committee for the year 2019 Treasurer’s report for 2019 and budget

Afternoon concert of the Liszt Society Switzerland Japan

Dear Members of the Swiss-Society of the Kansai! The Liszt Society Switzerland Japan, which promotes international understanding through their exchange program Europe-Japan, will have its forthcoming event at the Members Club CLASSICA – 2 minutes walk from JR Ashiya station – on Monday afternoon November

Music Ensemble for the 40 Year Anniversary Event

We are very happy to be able to introduce the musicians that will be providing the musical entertainment at our 40 Year Anniversary event. Coming to us from Appenzell is the Fässler family. Fässler Family Erika Fässler Born 1988 in Appenzell and living actually in

Festival de la Francophonie dans le Kansai 2019

On March 21 the annual Festival de la Francophonie returns to Kobe. The festival is a joint production of the French language groups here in the Kansai, and of course Switzerland will be represented as well. Presentations will be followed by a reception. See the

Swiss Fair Oyamazaki

On Saturday, February 23, we will be in Oyamazaki at the Swiss Fair to serve our popular Raclette. Location is the Sports Hall in Oyamazaki. The fair will be from 13:00 to 16:00. Hope to see you there!

40 Years Swiss Society of the Kansai

We wish everyone a wonderful 2019. This year our Society will be celebrating its 40th anniversary. Forty years ago in June 1979 the Swiss community of the Kansai gathered in the Kobe Club and launched our little group and we are still going strong. On